Solid Waste Management Master Plan: Give waste a new life

The updated plan

Waste and how we manage it are constantly changing. The City recently updated the 2014 Solid Waste Management Master Plan (SWMMP) to explore new and innovative ways of supporting our growing community’s waste management needs.

The updated plan provides strategic direction for the next 25 years, including plans to build on Guelph’s leadership in waste minimization and diversion for a sustainable, service-focused and economically viable future-ready community.

Thank you for participating in our extensive engagement process. Based on your feedback, City staff presented the updated plan to Council on April 4, 2022.  Based on Council’s approval of the 2021 Solid Waste Management Master Plan, the City is currently working on the following plans:

Join the conversation – stay informed

Follow the conversation on Facebook and Twitter #GiveWasteaNewLife

Email [email protected], subject line SWMMP, to be added to our email distribution list where you’ll get the latest on the SWMMP update progress.


Solid Waste Management Master Plan Recommendations

Guelph and the Circular Economy

2021 Solid Waste Management Master Plan: Executive Summary

2021 Solid Waste Management Master Plan

Current State Report: October 2021Future State and Growth Report: November 2021Single-Use Items Strategy, Options & Recommendations Report: November 2021Industrial, Commercial & Institutional Collection Service Standards Report: September 2021